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Nano Brows

Have you considered getting your brows microbladed but struggled to find the right artist? Have you heard horror stories of people getting botched? You're not alone. We've found that the two main reasons for negative experiences amongst microblade consumers are: going with the wrong artist and getting the incorrect procedure (technique) done. 


Microblading is an invasive procedure that slices the skin to deposit pigment and achieve a fuller, more defined look. It truly is an effective solution for those with the ideal skin type. Unfortunately, microblading is often sold as a quick and low-cost solution to virtually anyone looking to 'get their brows' done. In reality, most clients are not good candidates for microblading due to genetics, lifestyle, or medications. For these clients, the ink may not retain, and their skin may develop severe scar tissue.  


If you have already had microblading done once but didn't get the desired results, or your skin was damaged, please stop the treatment right away. Don't get a touch-up. Instead, let your brows heal, then see us for proper removal or corrective procedure! 


As an alternative to microblading, We offer Nano Brow Services! We utilize a cosmetic tattoo machine to deposit pigment with this technique and apply it in a dotted or hair-like pattern to create unique brow styles. Compared to microblading, Nano Brows have proven to yield longer-lasting results and cause significantly less damage to the skin. Also, the majority of clients do not require a touch-up!

Smartskin Permanent Makeup

Save Time & Money

What would you do with an extra 55 minutes?


Recent surveys revealed that, on average, we spend 55 minutes applying make-up every morning.


Our Nano Brows services are designed to your desired style, so you can get up and go every day.


Our clientele range from athletes to working professionals, and they all rave about how easy it is to have one less thing to worry about in the morning! 

All Gain, No Pain

The price of beauty doesn't have to be painful! Nano Brows are done with a particular cosmetic tattoo machine that causes less pain and minor damage to the skin than microblading.


Because it's less invasive, 99% of clients are ideal candidates for the procedure, and most do NOT require touch-ups! 

Don't worry, and we still use numbing cream to make the process even less painful!

Our Guarantee

Our goal is to achieve the brows of your dreams without compromising your safety and health. We exclusively utilize high-end equipment and the best pigments available in the market.

Services include an one-on-one consultation with the artist to answer questions and design a style that fits your skin type and overall look. 

Whether you need corrective work, or are looking to give your brows a boost, we've got you covered!



"Felisha is the best! Not only is she super personable, but she took her time getting everything just right. When it comes to permanent makeup, it is important to go to someone who truly knows what they’re doing. I am beyond happy with my results and recommend her to anyone!"


"Felisha was amazing! Wonderful personality, and actually listened to my thoughts and concerns, and we worked well together. She has amazing line work and tons of patience. I'm coming back to see her soon."


"I recently had Felisha do my permanent eyeliner, and I’m in love. The eyeliner is so subtle and natural-looking. It is amazing to wake up and not have to do eyeliner every day ❤️"

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